Parents and Families, in an abundance of caution, Brookside Elementary is limiting on-campus interactions for general education the week after we return from break, January 4-8. General education teachers and para-educators will not be working in person with students or having in-person meetings with parents and guardians. Teachers will still be meeting with students on Zoom and will send an updated schedule, if changes will be made. Our special education classes plan to meet as usual. If you have questions about the schedule that week, please send your child’s teacher an email or a message on Class Dojo, or call the teacher at 459-5385. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Padres y familias, con mucha precaución, la primaria Brookside está limitando las interacciones en el campus para la educación general la semana después de que regresemos de las vacaciones, del 4 al 8 de enero. Los maestros de educación general y los para-educadores no trabajarán en persona con los estudiantes ni tendrán reuniones en persona con los padres y tutores. Los maestros seguirán reuniéndose con los estudiantes en Zoom y enviarán un horario actualizado, si se realizarán cambios. Nuestras clases de educación especial planean reunirse como de costumbre. Si tiene preguntas sobre el horario de esa semana, envíe al maestro de su hijo un correo electrónico o un mensaje en Class Dojo, o llame al maestro al 459-5385. Gracias por su comprensión y paciencia.
over 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
Good evening Brookside Families, Our school pictures are in. To pick them up you will need to drive to the front of the school and call the office at 459-5385 to let us know you are here. We will then run your pictures out to your car. Please do not come to the office window. Stay in your car. There will be a picture make-up day in January. We will let you know the exact date soon. Class pictures will be available shortly after the make-up day.
over 3 years ago, Erica Buzzard
Good evening Brookside TK and Kindergarten Families. Please remember to return your Willits Unified School District Educational Benefit Form. This form was mailed to you before Thanksgiving Break. You can either mail it back to us with the pre paid envelope included or return it to the Brookside Office by Wednesday, December 9th. Thank you and have a nice evening.
over 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
Here is the link to the Spanish Version of the Parent Survey on reopening.
over 3 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Hello Brookside Families. Just a reminder that you have until November 30th to purchase insurance for your students new WUSD iPad or Chomebook. You will be unable to purchase insurance after this date. Insurance can be purchased online at Thank you and have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Break!
over 3 years ago, Brookside Elementary
So far WUSD has only received responses representing 370 of approximately 1500 students in the district. In order for us to get a clearer picture of your wishes, we must hear from more of our families. Below are the current results. If you have not filled out the survey please click on this link.
over 3 years ago, Mark Westerburg
WUSD has developed a draft plan with input from administration and teachers on how to reopen schools safely. I expect that this plan will have changes to it as time, data and procedures change. A major goal before coming back on site is to develop a viable academic plan, share it with our parents and then poll our parents to determine who wants to send their students back to on-site learning. Without question, WUSD will be following all the County Health Department guidelines for example; masks will be required, social distancing as much as possible, and small cohort sizes. I envision there is a group of parents who are not going to send their child back regardless of the hybrid model we have in place and others who are passionate about getting them back in even if it’s for a short period of time. WUSD wants to provide what the community needs and will have options for either on-site or to continue with distance learning. In order to provide our parents with choices it may require some staff movement and could take some time to put in place. WUSD will be doing a survey with the parents of all students to get information back to help plan for a reopen, whenever that can take place. The district has all the PPE necessary for staff and students. Every classroom will have a hospital grade air purifier and daily disinfection. Each site will have a set of health standards protocols. (Attached) At this time, COVID numbers are growing daily and reopening in a fully hybrid model is in not a good idea. The District also has several import safety items on back order, such as air purifiers. Currently WUSD is allowing students on campus to meet one on one with their teachers as needed, and providing direct services for our students with special needs. In the next few weeks, I would like the coaches to begin athletic conditioning with our students, following all the rules established by the athletic department. With the holidays approaching this is an opportune time to refine the practices and protocols. After the holidays, in mid-January we will have data to determine if it is allowable to reopen. Mark Westerburg Parent survey More information and Health and Safety Protocols
over 3 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Reopen phase 1
Thank you to Stan Cooley for taking his Veterans Day to come down to the track and level it out before the rains and fixing the road to the Ag. Farm.
over 3 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Stan C
THANK YOU TO THE VOTERS The passing of Measure I will help us to fix and repair our facilities. We appreciate the vote of support.
over 3 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Measure I
Hello Brookside first grade families, Don't forget that tomorrow is first grade picture day. The times are 8-12pm and 1-3pm.
over 3 years ago, Erica Buzzard
Hello Brookside second grade families, If you missed today's picture day, you can still come tomorrow or Wednesday to have your picture taken. The times are 8-12pm and 1-3pm.
over 3 years ago, Erica Buzzard
Happy Halloween Brookside Families! Be sure to check out this years Student Halloween Parade and Spooky Story Time! Have a safe and very Happy Halloween!!
over 3 years ago, Heather Miya
Brookside and Blosser Lane School Picture Clarifications. There has been some confusion about school pictures, Grades TK-5. Brookside and Blosser Lane Elementary Schools' photos are being taken by Jordan Eads Photography. Jordan Eads is offering, in a Covid -safe way, photo packages, as well as class pictures, and is providing teachers with extra copies for art projects, ect. Brookside families will receive a photo order form by mail or online and Blosser Lane families can get an order form online. Please contact your child's school if you have any questions about dates and times. Picture days/locations are: Brookside November 2nd-4th at Brookside Elementary Blosser Lane: November 5th,6th and 9th at Blosser Lane Elementary
almost 4 years ago, Brookside Elementary
Brookside and Blosser Lane School Picture Clarifications There has been some confusion about school pictures, Grades TK-5. Brookside and Blosser Lane Elementary Schools’ photos are being taken by Jordan Eads Photography. Jordan Eads is offering, in a Covid-safe way, photo packages as well as class pictures, and is providing teachers with extra copies for art projects, etc. Brookside families will receive a photo order form by mail or online and Blosser Lane families can get an order form online. Please contact your child’s school if you have any questions about dates and times. Picture days/location are: Brookside: November 2nd-4th at Brookside Elementary Blosser Lane: November 5th, 6th, and 9th at Blosser Lane Elementary
almost 4 years ago, Kathleen Crossman
Student Photo Opportunity. Maureen Moore will be at Baechtel Grove Middle School this weekend - Saturday, October 24 from 9 am to 3 pm and Sunday, October 25 from 9 am to 1 pm for school photos! Please see flyer below for details and please let others know. Please contact your school with any questions.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Student Photo Opportunity. Maureen Moore will be at Baechtel Grove Middle School this weekend - Saturday, October 24 from 9 am to 3 pm and Sunday, October 25 from 9 am to 1 pm for official Willits Unified School District school photos! Please see flyer below for details and please let others
almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Hello Brookside Families! Looking for a fun way to celebrate Halloween with your student? Come and join us online for a Halloween Parade 2020 style! We are asking Parents for a video or picture submission of their child, in costume, to be included in our 2020 Brookside Student Virtual Parade. Please submit your video or photo for the Brookside Virtual Parade no later than 10/23/2020 so we will have time for processing. Video's should be 6 to 12 seconds in length. Watch for ideas and requirements. Be creative and have fun! Submit your entry to
almost 4 years ago, Heather Miya
Socktober fundraising for WUSD students.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
Socktober fundraising
Hello everyone! Brookside's class pictures from last school year have finally arrived. We will be mailing them home very soon. We are just waiting for the envelopes to arrive. Be on the look out!
almost 4 years ago, Brookside Elementary
If You Want Your Taxes to Stay Local, Choose Measure I Willits public schools are in desperate need of maintenance and repairs. Every single school in the Willits Unified School District leaks when it rains, and that’s just the beginning. The longer we defer maintenance, the more expensive repairs will become. The question is how do we, as a community, raise funds to pay for those repairs? In the upcoming election, there is a statewide proposition and a local ballot measure that address school funding. California Proposition 15 would only guarantee an additional $15,000 per year for Willits schools (or $180,000 over 12 years). Measure I would allow Willits schools to raise $17 million over 12 years. If Prop. 15 passes, California schools will get 40 percent of the revenue. Of that, community colleges will receive 11 percent. The remaining funds would be divvied up among K-12 schools statewide. Prop. 15 isn’t polling very well, so depending on it to fund local school repairs is a big risk, but even if it does pass, it only guarantees $100 per student per year, not nearly enough to pay for the upkeep required for Willits schools. It’s possible that more revenue could come our way, but there’s no guarantee. On the other hand, if Measure I passes, 100 percent of revenue would remain local and go toward repairing and maintaining Willits public schools, including charter schools. Because the general obligation bond will be issued in four or more stages, the school board can reduce the burden on taxpayers should economic conditions change or other funding, such as Proposition 15, become available. As a reminder, Measure I would cost property owners a maximum of $40 per $100,000 of assessed value (not market value) per year. Assessed value is determined by the Mendocino County Assessor and is listed on your property tax bill. If, for example, your house is assessed at $250,000, your overall annual bill would be $100 (that’s about $8 per month). With these funds, public schools in Willits would have the funds to responsibly fix what is broken and keep school facilities in good repair. Willits Unified projects include replacing broken furniture at schools districtwide, repairing the roof at Blosser Lane Elementary, purchasing portable classrooms at Brookside Elementary and cafeteria tables at Baechtel Grove Middle School, paving parking lots at Willits High and the District Office, updating science classrooms at Baechtel Grove and Willits High, and similar projects. Proposition 15 is a whole different deal. I’m not recommending a vote for or against Prop. 15; that’s a personal decision. I’m just letting you know that Prop. 15 is unlikely to provide the funds needed to maintain local schools. Please realize that a vote in favor of Proposition 15 does not replace the need for Measure I. With Measure I, you will be able to see your tax dollars at work here in Willits. In the last election, 162 people skipped over the school bond—leaving it blank rather than voting yes or no—presumably because they didn’t feel they knew enough to make a good decision. My goal here is to provide information so voters feel comfortable taking a position one way or another. Please don’t leave it blank. If you need more information, I am happy to answer any questions you may have. You can reach me at the district office at 707-459-5314.
almost 4 years ago, Mark Westerburg
WHS water pipe replacement