WUSD December 2021 Newsletter
over 2 years ago, WUSD
December 2021 Newsletter pg1
December 2021 Newsletter pg2
December 2021 Newsletter pg3
Event sponsored by Mendocino County Office of Education.
over 2 years ago, WUSD
Town Hall Flyer
Our number one priority in WUSD is student safety. We have recently had an increase in COVID cases at Willits High School. Most of these cases are linked to specific out of school activities. Today, we tested all staff and 1/4 of students from many different classes at WHS. No one was positive. We will continue to monitor the situation and offer testing to any student who requests it (with parent permission).
over 2 years ago, Joe Aldridge
Please preregister your child for the optional Binax Now COVID testing here => https://my.primary.health/r/willitsunifiedschools?registration_type=student By preregistering a head of time it will help speed up the testing process. If you have any question, please contact the district office at 707-459-5314 Have a wonderful weekend!
over 2 years ago, Willits Unified
Good Morning! Please disregard the previous notification regarding the Binax Now Covid testing registration. The previous URL link is not working correctly. Once the link to the registration page is back up a new notification will be sent out. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Willits Unified
Hello Parents. Vaccines for students aged 5-11 have been approved. If you would like to get your child vaccinated against COVID-19, you can call Baechtel Creek Medical Clinic at (707) 459-6861. Any students are welcome to receive the vaccine there, even if the child is not a patient of the clinic. We will share information on other vaccination options as it becomes available. Please remember this is optional. Thank you
over 2 years ago, WUSD
Please see the attached letter from Superintendent Aldridge pertaining to immunizations.
almost 3 years ago, WUSD
Vaccine Info
Vaccine Info
Hello Parents. Please join us to discuss how to best use our COVID Recovery Funds. The meeting will be Monday, October 4 at 5:00 on Zoom. Click the link below to attend: https://zoom.us/j/96227788682?pwd=N0hlMnZVcTFFaTUwYVlib3htQk1Qdz09
almost 3 years ago, Joe Aldridge
In order to successfully increase funding to increase or improve educational opportunities for the students of Willits Unified it’s important to please complete the Educational Benefit Form every year. Please complete the Educational Benefit Form online here => https://willitsunified.rocketscanapps.com/default.aspx Without these forms completed, we may lose funding that directly supports our students' education. This form is also used to determine eligibility for participation in various programs including reduced or free fees for After School Education & Safety (ASES), waiver of fees for taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams, and other programs. It is crucial to have this form be filled out no later that October 25th 2021. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Willits Unified
Please join us, your input is appreciated!
almost 3 years ago, WUSD
Parent Zoom Meeting
Notice of Public Hearing
almost 3 years ago, WUSD
Notice of Public Heairng
WUSD will follow the CDC guidelines regarding travel. If you are planning to travel or have recently traveled, please review the CDC guidelines found here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/travel-during-covid19.html
almost 3 years ago, Joe Aldridge
Please follow the link to see updated bus routes effective Monday, August 30, 2021. Link: http://willitsunifiedca.apptegy.us/o/WUSD/page/transportation--931
almost 3 years ago, WUSD
***Chromebook & iPad Insurance Update*** Worth Ave Group Please go to the following link to purchase your students device insurance. Insurance has a zero deductible and covers devices for the entire school year. Please follow the link here => www.worthavegroup.com/gpo/willits Your school sites will not be collecting money for insurance. You will need to purchase it online. Here's to a great year!! 2021/2022
almost 3 years ago, Willits Unified
student computers
Vaccination Opportunity:
almost 3 years ago, WUSD
Vaccine Clinic Info
Here is the CDC information on selecting an appropriate mask. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.html#print
almost 3 years ago, Joe Aldridge
Hello Parents. Please click the link below to read this letter updating our COVID safety precautions at all WUSD sites as a result of the recent surge caused by the Delta Variant. Thank you. https://5il.co/xg5m
almost 3 years ago, Joe Aldridge
Please read this letter from Joe Aldridge regarding vaccinations. Thank you. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V0x7khExxqBrC7dc5mbZk-1T9JgKGIR5/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Joe Aldridge
In order to successfully increase funding to increase or improve educational opportunities for the students of Willits Unified it’s important to please complete the Educational Benefit Form every year. Please complete the Educational Benefit Form online here => https://willitsunified.rocketscanapps.com/default.aspx Without these forms completed, we may lose funding that directly supports our students' education. This form is also used to determine eligibility for participation in various programs including reduced or free fees for After School Education & Safety (ASES), waiver of fees for taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams, and other programs.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Maples
Hello Parents. We are conducting a survey for interest in a COVID Vaccination clinic for students aged 12 and up before the start of school. If you are interested, please complete the form at this address: https://forms.gle/3j74sUaH9uQgLRFbA Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Joe Aldridge